Tuesday, June 3, 2008

When the Church is a Good Example: A sermon outline by Keith Badowski

When the Church is a Good Example Sermon outline by Keith Badowski 
I. The church is an encouragement and a good example when . . . 
A. WE maintain the faith despite trials and attacks. 
B. WE share the gospel near and far. 
C. WE believe in Christ as the Center: results in Faith, Love, Hope. Faith in Christ leads to Good Works, Spread the Gospel, Expectation of Christ’s return. 
II. Persecution 
A. THEN: angry mobs. NOW: individual attacks & cultural attacks. 
B. Cynicism, criticism—examples 
C. Entertainment & Fantasy of pleasure in a godless world.

1 Thessalonians 1:6 Acts 17:5 persecution and affliction angry mobs—not the type of persecution we face today. Today’s attacks are individuals: “Christianity is a crutch.” “I’m too smart for that.” “Christianity is bigotry in disguise.” “Why should those religious people force their ideas on me or my children?” Culture of TV and movies—sexuality and violence Constructs in the mind a fantasy world where a godless world seems pleasurable and mostly harmless. The media assists in tempting us to turn away from God.

Barbara Mandrell sang to her son Nathan: Jesus Loves Me, This is the Day the Lord had Made, Jesus Loves the Little Children. Yet the first song he sang was All My Exes Live in Texas. 

In response to this attack, should WE become activists? Should we picket and boycott the studios, the networks? No. See 1 Thessalonians 4:11 WE are instructed to live a quite life. Simply turn off the TV when lies and temptations are being broadcast, avoid godless movies (which might mean avoiding quite a few movies these days). Don’t get steeped in politics and protests. That often turns into a quest for human-centric power. And it’s totally unnecessary. More importantly WE ought not to get distracted from our God-given main focus of winning others to Christ. 

“Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.” –Will Rodgers 

III. Characteristics of a Good Example (Paul & Thessalonians) 
A. Be an open book, sharing your life with others openly so they can see you God sees you—Accountability. 
B. Focused on Christ & Holy Spirit 
C. Allowing faith to translate into action. 
D. Abandoning idols, i.e. Materialism 
E. Demonstrating confidence & patience in the hope of Christ’s return. 

IV. A Good Example Sets Aside Phony Evangelism 
A. Overly simplified statements of belief 
B. Hypocritical 
C. People pleasing, ignoring the dangers of sin, candy-coating, could be false. (No talk of sin, judgment, repentance) 
D. Value on charm and charisma (in the worldly sense) 
E. Pressure of positions and authority 

V. Good Examples Practice True Evangelism 
A. Only the truth of God spoken, keeping to the central Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
B. God pleasing, God tests our hearts and witnesses all we say and do—broadcast on the “Big Transmitter” 
C. Out of centeredness in Christ, spread the Gospel beyond immediate surroundings. 

VI. Your Are Prepared to Evangelize Epworth! 
A. The Thessalonians had many fewer resources than we do today: 
1. Jewish scriptures not published, had to be taught and memorized, shared by voice alone. WE have multiple translations widely in print, easily accessed and accessible. 
2. The Apostle Paul only stayed a short time, 3 Sabbath’s of preaching. WE have heard numerous sermons in our lifetimes, Sunday school, and many testimonials. 
3. The Thessalonians had the Holy Spirit. Ditto US: Holy Spirit 
4. The Thessalonians had no written Gospel or letters in print, no New Testament at all. Paul’s letter was their first such material resource. WE have an extensive church history, a vast wealth of Christian literature, and a thriving Christian publishing industry. 

VII. Response to Persecution 
A. Then: the Thessalonians persisted in faith and spread the Gospel, did not focus on eliminating opposition. Now: WE should do the same. 
B. Attacking the opposition via politics and protest distracts from focus on Christ. 
C. Be teachers and examples, not of the world, but set apart.

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